Saturday, May 01, 2010

Classic Jesus

Love him or want to kill his followers believing them to be infidels, most people generally agree that Jesus was a fairly nice guy. He had nice hair and kept his face clean and was kind to animals and his mother (unless you count encouraging her to watch him bleed to death nailed to a tree), qualities which are generally thought of to be pleasant. Even terrorists are nice to their mothers, and probably appreciate other less religiously-vehement humans who are too. It's just the right thing to do.

Jesus never wore a hat. Perhaps if he had he would have avoided detection a little more effectively than he did when Judas pointed him right out in Gethsemane. Judas would have had to squint a bit and duck his head to see under the rim (unless it was a bobble hat) during which time God's Son on Earth could have made a timely escape.

Hats are highly underrated IMHO.

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